A visit of RAS Academician Dmitrii Rundkvist, Dr. Sc. (Geol.-Miner.), President of the Russian Geological and Mineralogical Society, took place at the "Observatory of Environmental Safety" Resource Center (“OES RC”). Considering the opportunities offered by “OES RC”, Academician Dmitrii Rundkvist suggested that research aimed to reconstruct the oil formation processes and examine the relation of exogenous and endogenous factors in them be conducted on the basis of the chemical-analytical complex of “OES RC.” Issues of cooperation in carrying out the future research work were discussed at the "Observatory of Environmental Safety" Resource Center.
Anastasia Kultaeva and Stanislav Sukharzhevskii have successfully completed training course devoted to impulse methods in EPR and have received certificates.
Svetlana Pylaeva has completed the course “MRI Advanced Imaging” in Bruker Biospin and got the certificate.
A geoarchaeological expedition conducting research of Ortles Kherson settlements in the North-West of the Crimea of ancient times (5 – 3 cc. BC) have transferred some paleontological specimens of the teeth of animals to our Center. The samples will be dated and investigated by EPR.