The integrated e-system of incoming requests for the SPbU Research Park facilitates and centralises your cooperation with the SPbU resource centres. Users (including external users) are registered only once and that enables them to work with the whole Research Park under a common interface as well as gives them an opportunity of coping with their research tasks in as short a time as possible. Due to the notification system, the users are timely informed on all the actions within the framework of the projects and measurements. There is also an option of remote access to the results of their work.

The integrated e-system of incoming requests makes it possible to observe qualitative and quantitative measurements of the users' needs in order to provide them with the best services, thus constantly improving the SPbU Research Park.

Cooperation between the Research Park and external users:

1. Within the framework of cooperation agreements signed between the organisations, with individual terms and conditions concerning intellectual property sharing. Under these agreements, the provision of all services is free of charge, yet there is a binding condition of collaborative publication of any research results.

2. Within the framework of commercial agreements. There is an integrated system of incoming requests for the SPbU Research Park

How to Apply for Research Studies