Author: Prof. Dr. Günter Kaindl, Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Experimentalphysik 

«Congratulations to my dear colleague Prof. Dr. Vera Konstantinovna Adamchuk and to the young director of the Research Center “Physical methods of surface investigation” Dr. Artem G. Rybkin, for the extraordinary progress in state-of-the-art instrumentation. I am deeply impressed by the creation of a most advanced angle-resolved photoemission spectrometer combined with an equally advanced variable-temperature STM/AFM microscope allowing sample temperature down to the liquid-the range. I am convinced that this unique spectroscopy setup will enable the will-trained and highly competitive and ambitious young researchers to soon achieve important new result in surface and nano-science. This new Center appears to me as the nucleus of advanced surface science in Russia. I am deeply impressed and very glad that our long-standing cooperation, which started modestly more than a quarter of a century ago, is now reaching a stage, where beautiful fruits can be harvested. With great appreciation and my very best wishes for success, on the occasion of the 1st RACIRI Summer School in Peterhof»
August 20, 2013

Author: Prof. Serguei Molodtsov, European XFEL, Scientific Director, Member of the Management Board 

«This is my great pleasure to visit my former lab at the Physics Department of the St. Petersburg State University and to see both tremendous progress in development of instrumentation and experimental education of students. The new Resourse Center “Physical methods of surface investigation” deserves highest degree of acknowledgement, since it contains experimental equipment for beyond state-of-the-art of related possibilities worldwide. Congratulations and best wishes to efficiently use this equipment! Hoping to be excitingly surprised by the experimental outcome of the Center»

Author: Joachim Stöhr, PhD, Professor of Photon Science, LCLS Director, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory 
«Thank you for inviting me to visit your institute. It is my first trip to Russia and St. Petersburg is spectacular! Wishing you all the best, with best wishes.»
August 23, 2013

Author: Alexander Lichtenstein, Group Head, Theory of Magnetism and Electronic Correlations, Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Hamburg 
«It is a great pleasure to see the great progress in the new center “Physical methods of surface investigation” of the St. Petersburg State University. My best congratulations to Prof. Dr. Vera K. Adamchuk and young scientists! I hope to have a strong collaboration on the theory of ARPES spectra for different materials!»

AuthorS.N.Lukashenko, Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology 
«Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology Branch of the National Nuckear Center of Kazakhstan expresses its gratitude for the excellent work to improve the skills of our specialist Aktaev Medet Ryskalievich held a course in Isotope Hydrogeology Resource Center “Geomodel”, St.Petersburg State University. Special thanks to provide internship supervisor Tokarev Igor Vladimirovich.
I would like to mention highly qualified staff of the Resource Center, their clear and professional work in the education process, as well as the quality of the provided knowledge»


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