- Alexey V. Kurochkin
- Director
- PhD (Candidate of Physics and Mathematics)
- E-mail: alexey.kurochkin@spbu.ru
- Phone:+7 (812) 363-69-24
- +7 (812) 363-60-00 add. 5912

- Anastasia V. Povolotckaia
- Deputy Director
- PhD (Candidate of Physics and Mathematics)
- E-mail: anastasia.povolotckaia@spbu.ru
- Phone: +7 (812) 363-69-24
- +7 (812) 363-60-00 add. 5824

- Alexandr A. Shimko
- Leading Researcher
- E-mail: aleksandr.shimko@spbu.ru
- Phone: +7 (812) 363-69-23
- +7 (812) 363-69-24
- +7 (812) 363-60-00 add. 5912

- Evgeniy N. Borisov
- Leading Researcher
- PhD (Candidate of Physics and Mathematics)
- E-mail: eugene.borisov@spbu.ru
- Phone: +7 (812) 363-69-22
- +7 (812) 363-60-00 add. 5822

- Ilya E. Kolesnikov
- Specialist in spectrofluorimetry
- Doctor of Physics and Mathematics
- E-mail: ilya.kolesnikov@spbu.ru
- Phone: +7 (812) 363-60-00 add. 5823


- Dmitriy V. Pankin
- Specialist in Raman spectroscopy
- PhD (Candidate of Physics and Mathematics)
- E-mail: dmitrii.pankin@spbu.ru
- Phone: +7 (812) 363-69-21
- +7 (812) 363-60-00 add. 5822


- Guliya I. Bikbaeva
- Specialist in Raman spectroscopy
- E-mail: st086467@student.spbu.ru
- Phone: +7 (812) 363-69-21
- +7 (812) 363-60-00 add. 5822


