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A visit of Igor Avloshenko, Chief Metrologist, Head of Measuring Instruments Office, Russia’s Federal Service on Hydrometeorology and Environment Monitoring (ROSGIDROMET), Federal State Budgetary Institution “North-West Department on Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring”, took place at the "Observatory of Environmental Safety" Resource Center.
The meeting was attended by representatives from "Laser Systems" Research and Production Enterprise, Limited Liability Company (St. Petersburg): Aleksandr Mikhailenko (Executive Director) and Aleksei Chugreev (Leading Researcher).
The meeting participants considered the possibility for “OES RC” to join the state observation network of the environmental monitoring system.
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A visit of PhD’s Danijela Joksimovic and Aleksandra Redzic from the University of Montenegro, Institute of Marine Biology took place at the "Observatory of Environmental Safety" Resource Center.
The representatives from the University of Montenegro hold an interest in implementing a real-time marine water quality monitoring system in the touristic zones of the Montenegrin Coast, as well as in monitoring the environmental situation at fish farming sites.
Four PhD’s from the University of Montenegro are expected to be trained on the use of optical bioelectronic systems on the basis of the bioelectronic complex at the "Observatory of Environmental Safety" Resource Center in 2014.
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The lidar complex of the “Observatory of Environmental Safety" Resource Center was visited by experts from a number of universities:
• Maria Falaleeva, University College Cork, Ireland / NGO Ecoproject, Minsk, Belarus
• Matthijs Hisschemöller, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands
• Sybille van den Hove, MEDIAN SCP / Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain/Chair of the Scientific Committee of the European Environment Agency, Copenhagen, Denmark
• Viktor Lagutov, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary
• Andreas Mayer, Alpen-Adria University Klagenfurt, Austria
• Anna Miklosovicova, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia
• Ruben Mnatsakanian, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary
• Ckees van Oijen, IVAM Universiteit van Amsterdam bv., Amsterdam, the Netherlands
• Eduard Podgaisky, Russian State Hydrometeorological University, St.-Petersburg, Russia
• Anton Shkaruba, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary
• Ruben Zondervan, Earth System Governance Project/Lund University, Sweden
Negotiations with representatives of the universities are under way to carry out joint research.
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A visit of Prof. Ivan Pershin, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Deputy Director for Research, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “North-Caucasian Federal University”, RF Ministry of Education and Science, took place at the "Observatory of Environmental Safety" Resource Center. The purpose of the visit was to apply the existing OES RC concept in the North-Caucasian Federal District, with training visits at the "Observatory of Environmental Safety" Resource Center to be organized for North-Caucasian Federal University staff.
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A visit of RAS Academician Dmitrii Rundkvist, Dr. Sc. (Geol.-Miner.), President of the Russian Geological and Mineralogical Society, took place at the "Observatory of Environmental Safety" Resource Center (“OES RC”). Considering the opportunities offered by “OES RC”, Academician Dmitrii Rundkvist suggested that research aimed to reconstruct the oil formation processes and examine the relation of exogenous and endogenous factors in them be conducted on the basis of the chemical-analytical complex of “OES RC.” Issues of cooperation in carrying out the future research work were discussed at the "Observatory of Environmental Safety" Resource Center.