SAXSess mc² – a small (+ wide) angle X-ray scattering camera for studying structures in nanometer range (1-200 nm). The system is a modern instrument for nanostructure characterization in different kinds of samples ranging from liquids (colloidal solutions, proteins, etc.) to solids, such as polymer films and fibers, nanocomposites, catalysts, porous metals, and to biological samples.  The SAXS method is a powerful tool that provides high accuracy data with minimum sample preparation required.

A wide-angle attachment allows simultaneous measurement of diffraction patterns in the angular range up to 40 deg.

Typical tasks and samples

  • Determination of:
    • particle size and shape in emulsions;
    • size distribution;
    • crystallinity;
    • molecular weight, aggregation;
    • surface-to-volume ratio, porosity;
    • crystalline structure.
  • Catalysts.
  • Beton, coal, amorphous solids.
  • Alloys.
  • Self-assembled systems.
  • Microemulsions.
  • Lipid membranes.
  • Molecular biology samples (proteins, viruses, DNA, etc.).
  • Polymer films and fibers.


  • X-Ray source: vacuum tube with a Cu anode.
  • Goebel mirror.
  • Sample-detector distance: 250 to 280 mm.
  • SAXS detector: Princeton Instruments  SCX-4300 CCD:
  • matrix – 2084 × 2084 pixels;
  • pixel size – 24 × 24 μm.
  • SAXS+WAXS detector: imaging plate 62 × 60 mm or 200 × 60 mm.
  • Sample holders:
  • quartz capillary for liquids (diameter = 1 mm);
  • film holder – 5 × 20 mm;
  • temperature controlled holder – -30°C - +300°C.


SAXSquant 3.5 for automated device control and image acquisition in TIFF or IMG/PCB formats, procession and analysis. Allows measurement of 1D profiles obtained by averaging 2D patterns.

Calculation of particle size, size distribution, specific volume, particle interaction. Simulations and modelling.

Further info

SAXSess - The Modular Tool for Nanostructure Analysis.pdf


Petrodvorets campus.
