This device has unique characteristics:

  • the lowest in this class of devices the diameter of the light beam, the resolution to 0.1 nm,
  • the widest in its class photometric range from -4 to 5 Abs.

Double beam optical system ensures stable baseline, and allows the detection of minimal changes in the background, which is very important for colorimetric water analysis.

Spectrophotometer UV-2550 used in various fields of science and industry: organic chemistry, biochemistry, environmental monitoring, textile and food industries.


  • Monochromator – double.
  • Spectral range – 190-1 100 nm.
  • Spectral slit width: 0.1; 0.2; 0.5; 1; 2 and 5 nm.
  • Resolution – 0.1 nm.
  • Scattered radiation – <0.0003% T at 220 and 340 nm.
  • Wavelength Accuracy – ±0.3 nm.
  • Reproducibility of wavelength – ± 0.1 nm.
  • Photometry range: from -4 to 5 Abs. and from 0 to 99.99% T.
  • Photometric accuracy: ± 0.002 Abs. at a value of measurement from 0 to 1.0 Abs., ± 0.004 Abs. a value of the measurement of 0.5 to 1 Abs.
  • Baseline stability – less than 0.0004 Abs./ch (after 2 hour warm).
  • Scanning speed – 160-900 nm/min (3200 positioning nm/min).