Order to establish the Center of core facilities of SPbSU 


 Procedure for carrying out a research in the Center of core facilities - resource centers of SPbSU


 Regulation on the SPbSU Research Park


 Research Cooperation Agreementе


Research contract


 About establishment of the Research Park


 About work in core facilities - Resource Centers


 Typical Regulation on a Resource Center


 About approval of the Regulation on Study Tours in the SPbSU Research Park


 Order to approve the Scientific and Technical Board of SPbSU Research Park


 The Rules of work of the Scientific and Technical Board


 Approval of the Regulation on initiation of research, development and technological works in SPbSU


 About Information system ResearchIMS commissioning

Rules of work of Resource Centers 


 The Rules of work of the Resource Center "Center for Culture Collection of Microorganisms"


 The Rules of work of the Resource Center “Magnetic Resonance Research Center “


 The Rules of work of the Resource Center “Interdisciplinary Resource Center for Nanotechnology”


 The Rules of work of the Resource Center “Center for Molecular and Cell Technologies“


 The Rules of work of the Resource Center “Center for X-ray Diffraction Studies“


 The Rules of work of the Resource Center “Center for Physical Methods of Surface Investigation“

 Unique scientific installation “Nanolab Research Platform”

 Regulation on the Unique scientific installation “Nanolab Research Platform” 

 Procedure for access to the Unique scientific installation “Nanolab Research Platform” 


 Typical Resource Center Rules of work


 The Rules of work of the Resource Center “Center for Sociological and Internet Research”


 The Rules of work of the Resource educational center of high medical technologies "Center of medical accreditations"

For users 

 Filling out feedback and publications
