A single crystal diffractometer for temperature-controlled structural studies at 80-500 K.


Technical charachteristics

• MoKα X-ray sealed tube.

• Rated operation X-ray sources – 50 kV/40 mA.

• Detector of the reflected X-rays – Eos CCD type (Charge-Coupled Device).

• Multilayer X-ray optics for increased intensities, performs the functions of the monochromator (extracts from the overall spectrum of the source doublet lines of Kα1 / Kα2).

      • 4-axis KAPPA goniometer:

  • • 2θ angle ranges from -180 to +215°;
  • • free rotation of the omega (ω) angles;
  • • measurement step on 2θ and ω axis is not more than 0.00125o;
  • • resolution for Mo anode not more than 0.40 Å in 2θ range 130-135o.

• Low-temperature Oxford Cryostream system with temperature range 80-500 K.


A specialized software package CRYSALISpro allows automatic search of the diffraction peaks with the settings and automatically identify and refine the parameters of the unit cell, integrating an array of diffraction data, analyzing and processing of the diffuse scattering, applying absorption correction taking into account real shape of the crystal, determine numerical absorption values, scaling and accounting absorption on the basis of the intensity of symmetry-related reflections measured at different orientations of the crystal, the calculation of geometric objects (area, perimeter, shape factor, orientation, length and width).

Information from the manufacturer


The Petrodvorets training and research Complex of SPbSU.
