STOE  STADI P powder diffractometer is equipped with two goniometers for studying polycrystals (powders, ceramics, etc.) in either Bragg-Brentano reflection or monochromatic transmission mode (flat sample or capillary) using a curved Ge monochromator and a position sensitive detector.


  • X-Ray source – vacuum tube with a Co anode.
  • Focus size – 0.4 x 12 mm.
  • Operation regime – 40 kV / 30 mA.
  • Vertical Theta / 2 Theta goniometer for Debye-Scherrer capillary and flat transmission mode; radius – 130 mm.
  • Curved Ge monochromator.
  • Vertical Theta / 2 Theta goniometer for Bragg-Brentano reflection geometry; radius – 130 mm.
  • Scan types – coupled θ-θ or independent θs, θd.
  • 2θ range –  0-140°.
  • Minimum step size – 0.0005°.
  • Linear PSD for transmission mode; scintillator for B-B mode.  
  • Manually controlled slits.


WinX POW – a software for qualitative and quantitative phase analysis, lattice constant determination, microstructure analysis.

Further info


City campus (Vasilievsky Ostrov)
