This spectrometer is suited for the measurements of 1D, 2D and 3D NMR spectra of liquids and solutions. The equipment provides a broad range of analytical capabilities to solve non-routine problems from fields of chemistry and physics of condensed phase. Biomolecules (proteins, enzymes) and complicated organic molecules (polymers, natural compounds, steroids) could be studied.

  • • Long measurements at low temperature (down to 110 K).
  • • Three-channel architecture (from 1H to 109Ag).
  • • Diffusion measurements at temperatures up to 470 K.
  • • Planned: combined NMR/UV-vis spectroscopy.
  • • Planned: measurements in liquefied gases as solvents.



Bruker Avance III 500 MHz spectrometer probes

  • 5 mm double resonance broad band observe (BBO) 1H / 31P-15N, 19F probe.
  • 5 mm double resonance broad band inverse (BBI) 1H / 31P-109Ag special low temperature (down to -150 °C) probe.
  • 5 mm double resonance inverse 1H / 13C special UV-NMR combined probe.
  • 5 mm triple resonance broad band inverse (TBI) 1H / 13C / 31P-109Ag probe.
  • 5 mm triple resonance broad band observe (TBO) 1H / 19F / 31P-15N probe.