Director of Resource Centers
Centre for Molecular and Cell Technologies Biobank, acting Chromas Core Facility, acting Centre for Culture Collection of Microorganisms, acting Volkov Kirill Vladimirovich, PhD e-mail: Phone: +7 (812) 328-96-96, +7 (981) 834-31-16 |
Centre for Physical Methods of Surface Investigation Nanophotonics Centre, acting Lebedev Sergei Vitalyevich e-mail: Phone: +7 (921) 577-21-16 |
Centre for Optical and Laser Materials Research Thermogravimetric and Calorimetric Research Centre, acting Kurochkin Alexei Viktorovich e-mail: Phone: +7 (812) 428-67-22
Centre for X-ray Diffraction Studies Magnetic Resonance Research Centre, acting Grunsky Oleg Sergeevich e-mail: Phone: +7 (812) 363-68-83, +7 (931) 321-31-40 |
Chemical Analysis and Materials Research Centre Anna A. Khakulova e-mail: Phone: +7 (812) 363-67-21 |
Centre for Innovative Technologies of Composite Nanomaterials Romanychev Andrei Ivanovich e-mail: Phone: +7 (812) 428-93-41, +7 (812) 363-68-81 |
Nanotechnology Interdisciplinary Centre Loshachenko Anton Sergeevich e-mail: Phone: +7 (812) 428-44-77 |
Physics Educational Centre Andronenkov Alexei Nikolaevich e-mail: Phone: +7 (905) 217-41-52 |
Centre for Diagnostics of Functional Materials for Medicine, Pharmacology and Nanoelectronics, acting Shevchenko Evgeny Viktorovich e-mail: Phone: +7 (921) 795-59-35
Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis Nesterov Aleksander Romualdovich e-mail: Phone: +7 (812) 328-9433 |
Environmental Safety Observatory Samulenkov Dmitriy Albertovich e-mail: Phone: +7 (921) 300-72-54, +7 (812) 324-1270 add. 5729 |
Centre for Geo-Environmental Research and Modelling (GEOMODEL) Ryshkevich Tatiana Ivanovna, Ph.D. e-mail: Phone: +7(812) 428-45-72 |
Computer Centre Zolotarev Valeriy Ivanovich e-mail: Phone: +7 (812) 428-43-58 |
Cryogenic department Korolev Alexander Vladimirovich e-mail: Phone: +7 (812) 363-60-00 add. 5641
Simulation Center Maria A. Baturova acting head of the Simulation Center PhD (PhD in Medical Science) University of Lund, Sweden e-mail: Phone: +7 (812) 324-12-70 add. 5289 +7 (921) 950-50-78 |
Centre for Extreme States of Materials and Constructions e-mail:
Vivarium Veronika Stanislavovna Ioffe e-mail: Phone: +7 (911) 123-31-86