The revolutionary QIAxcel Advanced system replaces traditional, labor-intensive gel analysis of DNA and RNA – streamlining workflows and reducing time to result. The QIAxcel Advanced system fully automates sensitive, high-resolution capillary electrophoresis of up to 96 samples per run. DNA fragment analysis of 12 samples can be performed in as little as 3 min. Ready-to-run gel cartridges allow 96 samples to be analyzed with a minimum of hands-on interaction, reducing manual handling errors and eliminating the need for tedious gel preparation. User-friendly QIAxcel ScreenGel software ensures convenient analysis and documentation of data. The QIAGEN RNA Integrity Score (RIS) provides an objective quality measurement of the analyzed samples and allows easy interpretation of sample integrity.


The QIAxcel Advanced instrument includes an array of light-emitting diodes and micro-optical collectors that latch to capillaries within QIAxcel gel cartridges. Fragments that are migrating through a gel matrix within the capillary pass excitation and detection spots and the signal is transmitted through a photomultiplier tube to the QIAxcel ScreenGel software for data interpretation.

The high detection sensitivity provided by the QIAxcel Advanced instrument enables robust results even with low concentrations of nucleic acid. With a resolution of 3-5 bp for fragments smaller than 0.5 kb, the QIAxcel Advanced system ensures greater accuracy than slab-gel methods, as well as greater confidence in data interpretation. Sample consumption is less than 0.1 μl per analysis, saving precious samples for further downstream analysis. Hands-free sample loading and self-contained components minimize exposure to hazardous chemicals, such as ethidium bromide.

Detailed methodology for the use of the device for RNA analysis:

Detailed methodology for the use of the device for DNA analysis:
