Study of the catalyst surface. Pulse chemisorption, temperature-programmed desorption, oxidation, reduction. Determination of the specific surface area by BET and Langmuir. Determination of the total pore volume.

AutoChem 2920

Micromeritics AutoChem 2920 Chemisorption Analyzer is a fully automated instrument capable of conducting a comprehensive array of highly precise chemical adsorption and temperatureprogrammed reaction studies. The instrument enables the researcher to obtain valuable information about the physical properties of catalysts, catalyst support, and a variety of other materials. Researchers can investigate active metal surface area, surface acidity, distribution and strength of active sites, BET surface area, and more. The AutoChem performs pulse chemisorption, temperature-programmed reduction (TPR), desorption (TPD), oxidation (TPO), and reaction analyses. Multiple experiments can be run using the same sample.

Four internal temperature-controlled zones can be heated independently up to 150°C. This prevents condensation in the flow path and allows studies to be performed with vapors. Low internal plumbing volume assures high resolution, fast detector response, and reduces error when calculating gas volumes. Highly sensitive linear thermal conductivity detector (TCD) assures the calibration volume remains constant over the full range of peak amplitudes so the area under the peak is directly proportional to the volume of gas reacted. Four high-precision mass flow controllers provide extremely accurate, programmable gas control. This assures a stable baseline and accurate determination of gas volumes.

The typical AutoChem 2920 applications include catalysts, catalytic reforming, catalytic cracking,fuel cells, partial oxidation, isomerization, etc. 

 AutoChem 2920 2

AutoChem 2920  Specifications

Total Surface Defined

0.2-200 m2

Total Pore Volume

1x10-4-0.15 cm3

Temperature Range


Working Gases

N2, He, Ar

H2, O2, CO, CO2, NO, NO2, NH3, SO2 mixed with an inert gas

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