Photo-calorimeter is ideal for analyzing photo-initiated reactions in a broad variety of materials, measuring the light curing of polymer, resins, paints, coatings and adhesives. Applications: melting temperature, crystallization temperature, glass transition temperature, phase transition temperature, specific heat capacity, curing temperature and rate, polymorphism, reaction kinetics.

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Besides thermally activated reactions, which can be studied by conventional Differential Scanning Calorimetry, many polyadditions and radical polymerizations can also be started by irradiation with sufficiently high energy. The main advantages of UV-curing systems are their fast reaction – within a few seconds at low isothermal temperature – and their absence of solvents. Often, a combination of thermal and light curing reactions is applied to dual cure adhesives or paints.


The possibilities of the photo-calorimetry

      • Extending the DSC technique with light radiation capability.

      • Analyzing photo-initiated reactions in a broad variety of materials.

      • Measuring the light curing of polymer resins, paints, coatings and adhesives (degree of cross-linking).

      • Studying the influence of UV stabilizers in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and foods (aging effects).

      • Selecting temperature, atmosphere, light intensity, wave length and exposure time.

      • Determining the reactivity and curing time of dental composites.

The algorithm of the device

Sample and reference are irradiated with UV light at a constant temperature until the sample is cured. Afterwards, the already cured sample and the reference are irradiated for a second time for the same duration and at the same temperature. Finally, the difference between the first and the second irradiation is calculated to determine the pure heat of reaction.

The OmniCure S2000 Spot UV Curing System is the most intelligent UV adhesive curing system of its kind for UV assembly manufacturing processes. Innovatively engineered with exceptional control features and optimum power capabilities, the OmniCure S2000 offers ultimate precision and repeatability for highest quality in both automated and manual adhesive curing applications.

NETZSCH DSC 204 F1 Phoenix



OmniCure S2000 Spot UV Curing System


Temperature accuracy

+/- 0.1oC


320-500 nm

Temperature precision

+/- 0.01oC

Irradiance range

≤ 9900 mW x cm-2

Baseline Curvature

10 μW

Irradiance time

0.2 to 999.99 s

Calorimetric Precision

+/- 0.05%

Temperature range

-85oC to 200oC

Detection limit

0.1 µW









Heating rates range

0.001-200 K/min

Temperature range

-85oC to 600oC

Sample Weights

3-5 mg

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