Fully automatic peptide synthesizer Endeavor 90-1 (Aaptec LLC), allows the Boc and Fmoc-solid phase peptide synthesis using a medium up to 4 amino acids at elevated temperature in an inert atmosphere, with stirring.


1. The synthesizer provides the 2 vaccinated peptides in reaction vessels of 50 ml at a time.

2. Peptide synthesizer provides an assembly of at least 4 amino acids in a single synthesis without reloading the reagent vessels.

3. Using in-situ and / or pre- activation protocols.

4. Ability to the upper or lower feed reactants into the reaction vessel.

5. Rapid emptying of gas pressure reaction vessels 10 psi.

6. The device is equipped with a system for inerting on synthetic medium for work with moisture-sensitive objects.

7. Stirring of the reaction medium is ensured by the swing of the vessel by bubbling an inert gas and a combination of swing and bubbling.

8. Shower Head (shower head) technology to provide a fast and economical flushing the reaction mixture from the vessels.

9. The device is designed as a closed system (does not require a separate box).

10. Emergency stop manually or programmatically at any time.

11. This instrument establishes a chemically inert tubes and valves.

12. The device provides online monitoring of the reaction pressure, the liquid feed has photodetectors, the photodetectors of filling / emptying the reactor.
