Scanning electron microscope Zeiss SUPRA 40VP installed in the Interdisciplinary Resource Center for Nanotechnology is equipped with a wide range of additional options that turn a good SEM into unique analytical system.

Gatan MonoCL3+ Zeiss Supra 40VP Zeiss Supra 40VP Left Panoramic View Zeiss Supra 40VP Right Panoramic View

Scanning Electron Microscope Zeiss Supra 40VP

Zeiss Supra 40VP is a Scanning Electron Microscope with Field Emission cathode, GEMINI electron-optics column, oil-free vacuum system, and variable pressure (VP) operating mode. See Images taken at IRC.

Except the Supra family's standard In-lens SE and SE2 detectorsthe microscope is equipped  with VP-mode secondary electrons detector (VPSE), STEM detector, and four quadrants backscattered detector (AsB).


Analytical capabilities are extended with Oxford Instruments Inca X-Act EDX spectrometer,  Oxford Instruments Channel5 EBSD analysis, Gatan MonoCL3+ Spectrometer, and Gatan SmartEBIC electron beam induced current (EBIC) registration system.

Two Kleidiek Nanotechnik micromanipulators are able to contact and modify nanostructures with real-time process monitoring.

Additional literature links on Scanning Electron Microscopy as well as Analytical Methods of SEM could be found in Books section.

General microscope specifications:

1. Spacial resolution limit

Accelerating voltage


200 V

5 nm

1 kV

2.1 nm

15 kV

1.3 nm

2. Source characteristics

Incident beam current

4 pA - 40 nA

Beam current stability

better than 0.2% per hour

3. Vacuum modes

Chamber at high vacuum (HV) 

5 x 10-7 torr

Variable Pressure range (VP)

1-144 Pa

4. Standard detectors:

  • • in-lens secondary electrons detector (In-Lens);
  • • everhart-Thornley secondary electrons detector (SE2);
  • • variable pressure secondary electrons detector (VPSE);
  • • 4 quadrants backscattered electrons detector (AsB).

5. Standard Stage Characteristics.

Motorized 5-axis (Klein MK5).

Gatan MonoCL3+

Cathodoluminescence registration system Gatan MonoCL3+ is equipped with precise parabolic mirror and two high sensitivity detectors which make one able to record CL spectra in a wide range of wavelength from ultraviolet (UV) to near infrared (NIR).

For spectra acquisition in 900-2 000 nm wavelength range (NIR) the LN2 cooled InGaAs CCD-array Princeton Instruments/Acton IRCL-9 is used. It has 1024 elements of about 2 cm total length. Such setup implements spectrum Parallel acquisition that in turn gives a lot of advantages main of which is precise measurement of peaks relative position.

The system includes the continuous flow liquid helium (LHe) cryo-stage that could also be coold with LN2 (Dual-fuel option).

The list of Gatan SEM analytical tools is extended with SmartEBIC system for Electron Beam Induced Current registration (EBIC). For Current registration Stanford Research SR570 amplifier is used.

System specifications:

      • Monochromator:

  • • system: Czerny-Turner;
  • • gratings: 1 200 gr/mm and 300 gr/mm.

      • Detectors:

  • • PMT – Peltier-cooled HSPMT, optical range – 200-950 nm;
  • • LN2-cooled 1024-pixel CCD-array Princeton Instruments OMA-V (IRCL9), optical range – 900-2 000 nm.

      • Temperature range – 6-400 K.
