The system allows to measure pressure fluctuations on the surfaces of aerodynamic models. The system includes 16 DMI-0,1 type inductive sensors, 2 IVP-2 (inductive high-frequency transducer) two-channel inductive transducers, LeCroy four-channel digital oscilloscope, NPO "Mera" MIC-200M measuring and computing complex with 3 MIC-017-D4 four-channel inductive transducer amplifiers.

  • 16 measuring channels (IVP-2 blocks – 4 channels; MIC-200M complex – 12 channels).
  • Ability to work with compact DMI-0,1 type inductive sensors.
  • Recording and analysis of the signals from the sensors in real time.
  • Ability to transmit signals to Bruel&Kier spectrum analyzers.
  • Software suite that allows post-processing of the recorded data.
  • Express-analysis of measuring data in real time.
  • Portability and autonomous operation (MIC-200M complex).

Example of system operation: study of infrasound pressure fluctuations in AT-11 During the experiment two DMI-0,1 sensors were placed in the diffuser and in the stilling chamber respectively. One of the sensors was connected to the Pitot tube, which was attached to the exit area of the nozzle. Signals from the sensors were shown on a digital oscilloscope through IVP-2 blocks and on Bruel&Kier spectrum analyzer.

Overall schematic of the measurement system configuration:

(ДМИ 0,1 – DMI 0,1; ИВП-2 – IVP-2; система сбора информации LAN XI – LAN XI Data Acquisition System; Y каналы – Y channels; X канал – X channel; цифровой осциллограф – digital oscilloscope; измерительно-вычислительный комплекс PULSE – PULSE measuring and computing complex)


(Пульсации давления в диффузоре – Pressure fluctiuations in the diffusor; Пульсации давления в форкамере – Pressure fluctiuations in the stilling chamber; Пульсации (25 Па на 1 клетку) – Fluctuations (25 Pa in 1 cell))


(Time(Диффузор) – Time(Diffuser); Time(Форкамера) – Time(Stilling Chamber))


(Autospectrum(Диффузор) – Autospectrum(Diffuser))
