The system is meant to be used for multipoint measurement of static flow data. The system includes 48 Aplisens smart pressure transmitters, HART multiplexer and PC with software.

  • 48 measuring channels.
  • Communication with PC via HART protocol.

Zero adjustment, choice of measurement rate and damping coefficient can be made for each channel separately.

Example of system operation: change of flow data in open test section of AT-11. During the experiment, 2D traversing probe, with the block of 22 Pitot tubes installed on it, was put inside test section. Pitot tubes were connected to 22 smart pressure transmitters via silicone tubes. In accordance with the program, the block was moved in two axes and full pressure of the flow in the stopping points was measured. After that, the calculation of distribution of relative full pressure, flow velocity and relative flow velocity took place.


(Расстояние от сопла: 140 см – Distance from the nozzle: 140 cm; положение сельсина: 2.0 – selsyn motor position: 2.0; обороты вентилятора: 300 – rate of rotation of the fan: 300)
