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Demonstration video:

анализатор удельной площади поверхности и размеров пор


The automatic Surface Area and Porosity Analyzer QUADRASORB SI carries out the fast highly exact analysis of surface area of a sample by the BET method, the volume of pores by the BJH method, and also detailed pore size distributions due to the full adsorption and desorption capability; calculations of mean pore radius; researches of micropores distribution and uses the method of functionalities of density.

There are two measurement techniques: Patented NOVA helium-free method or classical helium void volume method. The device contains four independent analysis ports. Each of them includes separate and independent dewar (coolant flask) with coolant level sensor, pressure transducer and P0 (adsorbate saturated vapor pressure) measurement station for simultaneous measurements yielding maximum throughput and flexibility. Each analysis port can be independently programmed with different analyses and measurement conditions. New samples can be started on each port as prior measurements are completed with little, or no, delay to other samples already in progress. It is possible to use any not corrosion gas for measurements.

Analysis Specifications of QUADRASORB™ SI :

Transducer Accuracy

0.1% span (1.000 torr transducer) each station / manifold;

0.15% reading (1 torr transducer – optional)

Pressure Resolution

0.016 torr (1000 torr range);

0.000016 torr (1 torr range – KR/MP model only)

Ultimate Vacuum

<1⋅10-2 torr achieved by dedicated 2 stage rotary, direct drive pump or 1⋅10-9 torr achieved by oil-free turbomolecular vacuum pump in QUADRASORB SI-KR/MP (included, mounted internally)


nitrogen and any other non-corrosive gas with appropriate coolant

Surface Area Range

0.01 m2/g to no known upper limit (nitrogen);

0.005 m2/g to no known upper limit (krypton) KR/MP model only

Minimum Pore Volume

(liquid): 2x10-6 cc/g;

(STP): 0.0001cc/g

Pore Size Range

3.5 to >4000 A / 0.35 to >400 nm

Coolant Level

automatic control using level sensor (RTD)

Minimum P/P0 (N2)



