The Quantum Design PPMS represents a unique concept in laboratory equipment: an open architecture, variable temperature-field system, designed to perform a variety of automated measurements. Use the PPMS with our specially-designed measurement options, or easily adapt it to your own experiments. Sample environment controls with fields ± 9 tesla and temperature range of 1.9-1000 K. 



1. Thermal transport option (TTO)

Measurement capabilities

Thermal conductivity

Seebeck coefficient

Electrical resistivity

Thermoelectric figure of merit ZT

Temperature range

1.9-390 K


High vacuum (<10-4 torr)

 2.  Heat capacity 

Temperature range

1.9-350 K

Temperature extension

With low temperature stages (He-3, DR)

Sample size

1-500 mg


10 nJ/K at 2 K

 3. Magnetometry 


• VSM 

The vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) is a powerful measurement system to be used for magnetic sample characterization. The VSM option transforms your PPMS into a sensitive DC magnetometer for fast data acquisition. The movement of the sample is done by a special sample transport, which has a linear characteristic and thus is very precise and flexible. The optional oven and large bore upgrade are useful and further extend the capability of the VSM.

• The AC measurement system (ACMS) provides you with the capability to perform both AC susceptibility and extraction DC magnetization measurements without changing hardware.

Temperature range – 1.9-350 K.

AC frequency range – 10 Hz to 10 kHz.

AC field amplitude range – 2 mOe to 15 Oe.

AC susceptibility sensitivity – 2⋅10-8 emu at 10 kHz.

DC sensitivity – 2.5⋅10-5 emu to 5 emu.

4.  Electro transport

DC resistivity 

Current range – 5 nA to 5 mA.

Sensitivity – 20 nV.

AC transport measurement system (ACT) 

The AC transport measurement system (ACT) option is a precision current source and voltage detector that supports four different types of automated, electrical transport measurements: AC resistivity, five-wire Hall effect, I-V curve, and critical current. A PPMS with integrated ACT provides fast data acquisition and the convenience of measuring up to two samples on a single sample mount.

Current range – 10 μA to 2 A.

Current range sensitivity – 1 nV @ 1 kHz.

Frequency range – 1 Hz to 1 kHz.

Electro-transport option (ETO) 

The electro-transport option (ETO) enables users to make several different types of electric transport mea- surements over a wide range of resistance values and sample types. It includes the measurement of AC and DC resistance, I-V curves, and differential resistance.

