The resource centre provides rooms, facilities and consumables* for various types of sample preparation, in particular, fixation of living material and its preparation for light and electron microscopy and immunocytochemical investigations, nucleic acids purification, PCR, in situ hybridization and lyofilization of DNA samples.

PCR-box BAV - PCR - "Laminar-S" with UV air recirculator ("Laminar systems")

Used for PCR mixture preparation and work with DNA samples.


Thermal cycler MJ Mini BioRad, gradient, capacity − 48 x 0.2 ml PCR tubes.

Used for PCR-amplification of DNA fragments. Standard, as well as gradient, touch-down, etc. protocols are available. Equipped with hotlid.


Thermal cycler С1000 BioRad, gradient, capacity − 96 x 0.2 ml PCR tubes or 96-well plate.

Used for PCR-amplification of DNA fragments. Standard, as well as gradient, touch-down, etc. protocols are available. Equipped with hotlid.

Mini chamber for horizontal electrophoresis SE-1 (Helicon), 125 x 76 mm. Used for fast electrophoretic separation of DNA fragments in agarose gel. Capacity − up to 40 samples.

Horizontal electrophoresis chamber SubCell GT System (BioRad), 150 x 150 mm with gel casting table and DC power sorce PowerPack Basic (10-300V DC). Used for fast electrophoretic separation of DNA fragments in agarose gel. Capacity − up to 120 samples.

Gel documentation system GelDoc XR PLUS (BioRad) including computer, photoprinter and White Light Conversion Screen converter.

Used for registration and subsequent qualitative and quantitative analysis of the electrophoresis results.


Waterbath thermostat BWT-U (BioSan)

Used for preparation of solution and incubation of various types of material. Volume − 8 l, operational temperatures − +30°С - +100°С.

Centrifuges with various technical parameters

Laboratory table-top low speed centrifuge Biosan 3000

Used for centrifugation of various samples, speed − up to 3000 rpm. Includes changeable rotors for 10-50 ml tubes.

Laboratory refrigerating centrifuge 5417R (Eppendorf)

Used for centrifugation of various samples, rotor FA-45-30-11 (holds 30 1.5/2 ml tubes).



Shaker centrifuge Multispin (BioSan) with RC-1.5 and RC-0.5/0.2 rotors

Used to perform cycles of sequential centrifugation – shaking – centrifugation of various samples (e.g. during reaction mixture preparation). Holds 12 1.5/2 ml or 0.5/0.2 ml tubes.


Minicentrifuge MiniSpin (Eppendorf): 13 400 rpm maximal speed, holds 12 1.5-2 ml tubes.

Laboratory centrifuge 5415R (Eppendorf) with controlled refrigeration to the temperatures between 0°C and +40°C. 13 200 rpm maximal speed, rotor F-45-24-11 (holds 24 1.5 ml tubes).

Hybridisation incubator GFL 7601

Used for DNA and RNA blot-hybridisation, protein blot hybridization with antibodies and FISH.

Solid thermostat ThermoStat plus (Eppendorf)

Used for heating of the samples to +99°С and cooling to -5°С, designed for 0.2 – 50 ml tubes.

Freezer LIEBHERR GN 3076, effective volume 256 l

Used for storage of DNA samples and temperature-sensitive reagents. Temperature maintenance following power supply failure within 43 hours.

Freeze dry system FreeZone  Plus 2.5 L Cascade (Labconco)

Used for freeze-drying of the biological samples in low temperature and vacuum conditions for long-term storage or transportation, collector temperature -84°C.

General purpose fume cabinets LAB-Pro-SHV150/70-F20

Used for handling allergenic, odorous and volatile substances. Effective workspace size − 1500 х 740 х 2250 mm, work surface − FRIDURIT.

Dry thermostats TS-1-80 SPU

Used for incubation of materials at a set temperature value, preparation of solutions and fixatives, polymerization of resins.

Thermoshaker BioSan TS-100

Used during sample preparation, extraction of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and other cellular compounds. Temperature − between +25°С and +100°С, 250-1400 rpm, set of various thermoblocks available.
