Customers of the resource centre may perform research using the strains of microorganisms maintained in the collection as well as deposit their own strains.
Laminar flow cabinets SafeFAST Elite 212S
Used for subculture, feeding, purification and other procedures necessary for maintenance of various cultures performed in sterile or semi-sterile conditions. IIA safety class, working area dimensions 1192 х 740 х 580 mm.
Gas burners Phoenix II standart
Modern automatic Bunsen burners providing highest safety level for use in the microbiological laboratories. Equipped with sensor ignition and pedals.
Refrigerating cabinets Atlant-ХТ-1001
Used for storage of the cultures at the temperatures between +1°C and +10°C. Dimensions 1960 x 700 x 570 mm, volume 445 l.
Climate chambers MLR-351H (Sanyo)
Used for temporary storage of the cultures under specific conditions (controlled temperature, illumination and humidity). Volume 294 l, temperature between +10°C and +50°C, humidity between 55 and 85% RH, illumination between 0 and 20.000 lux, 5 40W fluorescent lamps.
Dry thermostats Binder BD53
Used for temporary storage of the cultures under various temperatures. Volume – 53 l; temperature range – + 5°C higher than environmental temperature to 100°C, temperature variation at +37°C – ±0.5°C; temperature fluctuation at +37°C – ±0.1°C.
Anaerobic culture apparatuses GasPak 150 (Becton Dickinson)
Used for cultivation of microorganisms under anaerobic conditions. Designed to contain 36 Petri dishes 100 mm in diameter or 39 culture tubes.
Routine usage dissection microscopes Leica M125C
Used for routine procedures performed on the maintained strains (subculture, purification, feeding, slide preparation for light microscopy). Object lens magnification 1х, eyepiece magnification 16х, no photodocumentation system. Resulting magnification in a standard configuration 8-100х, illumination provides the oblique volumetric lighting effect.
Inverted microscopes Nikon TS100
Used for routine procedures performed on the maintained strains (culture condition control, cloning). Magnification of the object lenses 10х, 20х, 40x, phase contrast at all magnifications, no photodocumentation system.
Upright microscopes Leica DM2500
Permit microscopic observations, microphotography and video documentation using various modern techniques of light microscopy. Equipped with Plan-Fluotar object lenses with phase contrast (10х, 20х, 40х, 100х) and Nomarski differential interference contrast (20х, 40x, 100х).
Incubator shaker Innova 40 (New Brunswick Scientific)
Used for growth of the large volumes of cultures. 25-500 rpm, orbit diameter – 1.92 cm, temperature range – +5°C-+80°C, maximal load – 4 3l flasks.
Various types of the centrifuges
Large volume centrifuge Allegra X-15R (Beckmann Coulter)
10000 rpm, with refrigeration, temperature range − -10°C to +40°C. Bucket rotors are used for centrifugation of the large volumes at low centrifugal force below 6 000 g. Tubes may be filled with liquid completely.
Oil centrifuge SIGMA 6-16K (Sigma Laborzentrifugen)
Table-top refrigerating centrifuge; speed − up to 15 000 rpm. Allows convenient usage at low speed, tubes with tapering bottom allow easy concentration of cells from very large into very small volumes of medium.
Multifunctional centrifuge 5804R (Eppendorf) with refrigeration and the set of replaceable rotors, 14 000 rpm, 20 800 g.
Heating plates C-MAG HP 4 IKAtherm
Used for preparation of media and work with cultures. Temperature range +50°С - +500°С, plate size − 120 х 120 mm.
Balances of different precision classes
Precision balance Pioneer PA2102 (Ohaus), maximal weight − 2 100 g, accuracy − 0.01 g.
Analytic balance Pioneer РА214С (Ohaus), maximal weight − 210 g , accuracy − 0.1 mg. Plate diameter − 90 mm.
Laboratory balance Explorer Pro 4102 (Ohaus), maximal weight − 4100 g, accuracy − 0.01 g.
Stationary рН-meter S20-K Seven Easy (Mettler Toledo)
Used for media preparation and cultivation.
- Measurement resolution for рН − 0.01.
- Accuracy − ±0.01.
- Operational temperature range − -5°С to +105°С.
- рН range − 0 to 14.
Magnetic stirrers with heating and sets of stir bars MSH-300
Used for preparation of culture media and working solutions for sample preparations.
Non-circulating water bath (Heidolph)
Used for experiments with culture and preparation of solutions. Flask heater, temperature range +20 to +180°С, volume 4.3 l.
Flake ice maker KF 45Porkka
Used for ice preparation for sample storage and transportation at low temperatures. Production rate 35 kg/day, storage capacity 10 kg.
Portable refractometers for salinity measurement Master S28a
Used to control the salinity of brackish and sea water in the aquarial systems and during manipulations with marine microorganisms.
Double distillator GFL-2108
Used to prepare distilled or double-distilled water for culture media preparation (productivity 8 l/h).
Water purification system UVOI-"MF" 1812C8-6 (productivity 34 l/h)
Millipore filtration system is equipped with vacuum pump and designed for vacuum filtration of the large volume of water and liquid media using various types of membrane filters.
Laboratory glassware washer G 7883 CD (Miele)
Used for washing and disinfection of the laboratory glassware, with frontal load and drying system. Equipped with the set of baskets and stands.
Household dishwasher SMS 63N (Bosch)
Used for washing of the laboratory glassware and instruments.
Ultrasonic bath Elmasonic S60 H
Used for purification of complex instruments and special glassware without application of strong cleaning agents, volume − 5.75 l.
Dry heating cabinets Sanyo MOV-212F
Used for drying and sterilization of the glassware and instruments, volume −150 l, sterilization temperature to +200°C.
Vertical autoclaves MLS-3781 L (Sanyo)
Used for sterilization of the culture media and labware. Automatic operation, effective volume − 75 l, equipped with baskets and containers of stainless steel wire.
Horizontal table-top autoclave МК-2540 (Tuttnauer)
Used for sterilization of the culture media and labware. Semiautomatic operation, effective volume − 23 l.
Household refrigerators Indesit (200 x 60 x 66 cm) with freezing compartment.
Used for storage of media and reagents.