

The magneto-optical trap provides preliminary cooling of the ensemble of atoms to produce Bose-Einstein condensates and degenerated Fermi gases, for precision spectroscopy and frequency standards based on an atomic fountain. Despite considerable progress in cooling atomic gases, the problem of cooling ensembles of complex particles remains urgent. In this connection, a search is being made for universal cooling methods that do not depend on the internal structure of the particles. The application of the feedback method based on measurement of the Bragg backscatter signal is considered to be promising [J. Phys. B 47, 135303 (2014); JETP Lett. 100, 536 (2014)]. At the stage of developing the method, it is reasonable to use atoms preliminarily cooled in MOT as the test particles. Such application of the Magnetooptical trap, which is available in the RC OLMIV, is assumed in Project 11.38.640.2013 in the framework of Activity 2.
