Bruker Elexsys E580 EPR spectrometer is a setup working at 9 400 MHz, (3.2 cm wavelength, X-band) suited for studies of paramagnetic centers (PC) in solids, liquids, solutions and gases. Measured spectroscopic characteristics are g-factors, lineshapes and relaxation parameters in a wide temperature range. Experimental complex is capable to determine electronic state of PCs, their location in a crystal lattice, crystal field anisotropy and super-fine interactions between unpaired electrons and nuclei. It is possible to study isotopic composition of PCs and their interaction with adjacent ions, to investigate the presence and type of magnetic interactions etc. Spectrometer is equipped with additional modules allowing one to conduct ENDOR (Electron Nuclear DOuble Resonance) and TRIPLE experiments in order to investigate direct and indirect exchange interactions.



The spectrometer is equipped with 11 000 G electromagnet and is capable of measurements in CW-regime as well as in FT-regime. Spectral acquisition and processing is performed with the help of Aepr, FDepr and Xepr software packages. For studies of monocrystals the spectrometer is equipped with a goniometer. Absolute measurements of frequency and power of MW-radiation, and magnetic field strength are possible.

  • • 100 W UV-irradiation of the sample inside resonator in the wavelength range 200-2 000 nm.
  • • ENDOR/TRIPLE measurements controlled by two 1-400 MHz generators with 200 ns switch time of phase, amplitude and frequency.
  • • Magnetic field strength measurements – from 1 500 to 15 000 G.
  • • Temperature range – from 3.7 K to 500 K.
  • • Planned: installation of field gradients coils for tomographic measurements.
  • • Planned: extending working range to L-band (1 000 MHz, 32 cm) and W-band (90 000 MHz, 10 mm).