Raman spectroscopy (such devices as Nicolet 6700, Horiba LabRam HR800) – method of obtaining vibrational-rotational spectra of gases, liquids, solid states by means of measurement of scattering of laser monochromatic radiation from these samples. The method is based on the Raman effect of which is to change the wavelength of incident radiation due to its interaction with vibrational levels of scattering substance. http://www.nature.com.sci-hub.org/nature/journal/v123/n3089/abs/123050a0.html (http://dx.doi.org.sci-hub.org/10.1038/123050a0). Registration of these changes allows to identify chemical composition of the sample. The presence of different exciting lasers (from 325 nm to 1064 nm) allows to choose radiation source for every investigated system to avoid heating or fluorescence. An usage of built-in microscope allows to obtain spectra of small samples up to 2 microns that is very important in gemology and mineralogy. Raman analysis is nondestructive method that lets to use its in diagnostics and determination of the substances and ingredients in medical, pharmaceutical and medico-legal investigations.